It’s no secret that I love me a good circle skirt lately…

I shared a tutorial recently on my blog at Me Sew Crazy about how to make a perfectly fitting Circle Skirt with Zipper Closure.

But there is one main problem with doing circle skirts this way…you can only use fabric that has a directionless pattern. What do you do if you want to make a Circle Skirt with say…
Sarah Jane’s Children at Play fabric in Summer Garden cream. The little girl’s in the fabric design would be sideways and upside down in areas – nobody wants to see that!

So let’s make a circle skirt where the fabric remains all in one direction, shall we?

It is really rather simple, following the instructions for getting your main circle skirt pattern piece found HERE at Dana Made It.

Once you have your 1/4 circle pattern piece, it should look like this:

Now, we are going to fold that pattern in half, giving us a 1/8 panel. (See the fold in my pattern down the center? That is where I folded it in half).

Lay that panel on the fabric right side up, and cut (8) of the panel pieces.

By sewing these 8 panels together at the sides, you will have a complete circle, and therefore complete your circle skirt.

Now you can use any fabric to make a completely adorable circle skirt…imagine the possibilities…

Thanks so much for stopping by, and until next time…

Happy Sewing!

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  1. This is adorable… I love the wide belt at the waist. I wanna go back in time so that I can fit in that dress!!

  2. Sarah (Blog Guidebook) Bradford says:

    You’re inspired me to make this for my little girls! Thank you!

  3. applemama says:

    How did you incorporate a seam allowance on the panels though? With a full circle, there’s no seam, so there is no loss of waist length. Hmmm…

  4. I have the same question as Apple Mama concerning seam allowances. Won’t the waist be tighter after sewing?

  5. This info was helpful but what do I do when I fold my fabric in half long ways but its not wide enough for my pattern still even after folding it in half?
    I am making a circle skirt for my daughter but she isnt little anymore.
    Help! The directional fabric is a killer.

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