***Hey Everyone! Before we get to our first Teach Me Tuesday post I’d love to hear what you think of the new layout. Please VOTE in the sidebar. 🙂

Now, take it away…….Jodi!!

DIY Didn’t I Think Of This Sooner?!

Hi! This is Jodi from over at
I started my blog in 2006 as an outlet for my thoughts. At that time I had a new husband, a new baby and a pre-teen (I now have 3 kids, a dog and a great husband). I spent all day taking care of everyone (as Moms do) – so I wanted an outlet that was “All About The Mom of ‘Em!” I started with my feelings and bragging about the kids. Over time I added garage sale finds, coupons/deals I’d found and even recipes. And more recently I’ve added crafting and re-purposing. I’ve had fun trying out some of the Tutorials generously posted by GREAT bloggers like The Girl Creative.

My creativity was “borrowed” from other amazing women. But then one day last week I was at a garage sale (which I LOVE doing, btw), and I saw something….something many would just pass by. But for the first time I saw it and immediately knew what I wanted to do with it. Suddenly I had found my OWN creativity instead of just borrowed creativity! I had arrived! (well….sorta). So here’s my project…it’s quick…it’s easy…and the original item or something like it should be readily available at thrift stores and garage sales this season. Please feel free to borrow it! And then when your new, original idea hits you one day….share it with us!
I hope you enjoy my Quick & EASY tutorial where I turn a $2.50 garage sale find into a cute and useful scrapbook/sewing organization tool.
Yesterday the kids and I went garage-saling (Thursday sales are da-bomb!). I didn’t find much, but I did score this baby for $2.50.
Now, it might not look like much…yucky oak…and greasy/stained spice lids, but I had a vision. Let me show you the step-by-step:

1. Not much to look at.

2. Dishwasher for all removable parts and anti-bacterial Windex to clean up the rest.
3. Spray paint! (Only Krylon, people…trust me. I found mine at Hobby Lobby for $3.99). Now because I didn’t sand first or prime..the paint didn’t take well everywhere..but no worries! It’s the distressed look the EASY way!

4. Find coordinating scrapbook paper in a color that “goes” with the spray paint color

5. Trace around upside-down lids

6. Cut out your circles

7. MOD PODGE, baby!
8. Let dry

9. Fill with whatever (I plan to fill with brads, eyelets, scrap ribbon, etc.)

10. Enjoy! She’s a BEAUT for $2.50 and some supplies I had on-hand, don’t ya think?

Thanks so much for having me at The Girl Creative – You have inspired me to keep on creating and to blog better. Have fun with your projects and please let me know how they turn out! I LOVE to see what people come up with!
Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. What a great idea!!! So cute!

    I understand what it feels like to borrow someone else’s creativity and then be hit with a lightning bolt of your own, finally. Maybe it just takes training, aka observing other people and their work, before your own spark is developed.

  2. Kelli @ RTSM says:

    Very cute! I love that it was only $2.50 too!

  3. NicolaSigel0508 says:

    錢,給你帶來歡愉的日子,但不給你帶來和平與幸福 ………………………………...………..

  4. I really wish I hadnt thrown mine away about a year ago!

  5. Awesome Jodi! What a great end product for such little cost.

  6. That is so pretty and simple, def. will be doing this!

  7. Wonderful!!
    I see these all the time!
    Now I know what to do with one!
    My daughter is a jewelry maker and need all those little clasps and hooks and such and this is a great way to keep them handy!
    So VERY creative!!
    Love it very much!

  8. What a wonderfully creative idea Jodi. A very nice way to repurpose a garage sale find. You and your creativity are a fantastic addition to the Creative Girl’s “Teach Me Tuesdays” segment.
    Well Done!

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