Hi guys!!!! How is everyone?? I just have to say, I get so blessed by the comments you leave me. Especially on the posts that come from my heart. Seems like we are all running this race together, huh? There have been so many times where I just want to sit and respond to each of you and then time gets away from me so if it seems like I’m unappreciative, I’m sorry. I appreciate you all SO MUCH. Hopefully when school starts I will get better at responding to comments via email. 🙂

One thing I struggle with is my thoughts. I struggle with staying focused. I struggle with my imagination sometimes. I struggle with thoughts of inferiority. I also struggle with unforgiveness and letting go. I know that if I can get a hold of my thoughts and bring them under God’s authority, I will be able to walk in victory more. 


These few verses pretty much say it all. We have an enemy out there and he is behind all of the negative thoughts that we struggle with.  We need to start walking in the authority that God has given us as daughters of the king. We need to take every thought captive and make them obey Christ.

How do we do that? Well, I’m still learning but we can start by speaking words of life when we start to get negative thoughts. We can start by  not dwelling on the lies the enemy feeds us. This morning I was on the treadmill and I was praying and struggling with some thoughts and finally I had enough. I took control over those thoughts and started to stand against the lies of the enemy and started speaking truths (by faith!) about myself. While some of my thoughts are personal here are some truths that I think apply to a lot of us and we can speak these over our lives:

I walk in victory, not in defeat

I am a covenant keeper, not a covenant breaker

I am a faithful and loyal daughter of the King

I am beautiful and the apple of God’s eye

I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength

I’m not a quitter and I will finish what I’ve started

I walk in forgiveness not condemnation

I AM accepted and loved

My life DOES have worth

The list goes on and on. The same power that raised Christ from the dead is within us. We got this! Don’t live another second allowing the enemy to lie to you. Walk in victory, TODAY!

Have a great week!!

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. The first thing I wanted to say when I finished reading the above was Amen! God Bless you, Diana, for having the courage to step out in your Faith publicly. I do this, as well, and with the Lord’s help, I have been given exactly the right words for the nay-sayers. What a wonderful affirmation. You words were a Blessing to me this morning!! So Thanks you very much.
    Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

  2. I loved reading your post! I have been discovering the same things recently and loved to read your take on it! Always appreciate what you have to say,
    Kristina J.

  3. So, last week my daughter (13 mo.) went from sleeping at night to NOT SLEEPING at night. I was/am tired and exhausted. I hadn’t been doing an awesome job keeping up with my devotions lately, and this would have been an “obvious” week to continue this stretch. Instead, God reminded me of something I read in one of your posts about the value of making time for Him in the morning, and I did my devotions EVERY MORNING THIS WEEK. I know that’s what’s been getting me through the sleepless nights…be encouraged, because you are encouraging others through this blog!

  4. Truth, truth, thruth. We for certain have the victory! Be the redeemed that Christ has created you to be! Thanks for the reminder!

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