My daughter loves to create – whether it is drawing, painting, arts and crafts – you name it, she loves it. It is my desire to nurture this passion in her, and with school out for Summer, it is also my job to find ways to entertain all of us. I doubt I am reinventing the wheel with this one, but boy did we have fun!

With a little bit of fabric paint, some water & paintbrushes, and a big white piece of fabric – an idea was born.

Watercolor on fabric šŸ™‚

What was really surprising was to find out how much my younger daughter enjoyed it too! Up until now she has had to be really monitored with paint and such – otherwise it would have ended up all over our house.

But by bringing it outside and letting her have free range with it – she had a blast!

To create this watercolor look with the fabric paint, I simply added water to the paint and mixed it together. That’s it! How easy is that?!!

And now the possibilities are endless with over 2 yards of fabric that my daughters created…

Looks like it is time to change my youngest one’s diaper…lol

When is National Grandparents Day again??? I see some zippered pouches in our future šŸ™‚

Just a quick note – after today I am going on Maternity Leave from posting for a month or so! With my baby due any day, I won’t be able to keep up with a regular posting schedule for a while. I do hope you’ll stick around though, because I will be back! And who knows, maybe I will pop in just to surprise you in the meantime :).

Thanks so much for stopping by everyone, and until next time – Happy Sewing!

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  1. Debbie Corbari says:

    I absolutely LOVE this idea and will be doing this with my girls ASAP! ACK! they will LOVE IT! I guess then I’ll have to figure out how to sew huh? lol.

    Have fun on maternity leave! Good luck with the baby!!!

  2. 2littlehooligans says:

    can that jessica get anymore creative then she is?!

  3. Wishing you and baby a happy delivery!!! Take care and I will definately be here, I’m new and I can’t wait to see what you come up with next.

  4. This is SO pretty! I absolutely love this idea!

    Wishing you a quick & easy labor!

  5. I’ve been seeing lots of watercolors this summer so I LOVE this project! I’m so excited to try it and I LOVE the pants you made! Thanks for the tutorial and good luck with your soon-to-be new little one!

  6. How creative is that!
    I loved it so much, I shared it all over the forums I contribute to like : sewingmamas, craftster, diaperswappers etc.
    This is just too good to keep to ourselves. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Perfect! Adding this to my summer activities with the kids list! Thanks for the great idea!

  8. *GASP*! Uh! Why didn’t I think of that before! SO GREAT!! Thanks for sharing! šŸ˜‰

  9. What a great idea! Great for gifts (especially the Grandparents.) Congratulations on the new little one. Enjoy your maternity leave!

  10. What a terrific idea! Love the CREATIVITY in this post!

  11. Holy moley this is fantastic. I cannot wait to try this with my naughty nieces

  12. I love that you turned their artwork into little capris for them! So cute. Found you @ Show & Tell Saturday.

  13. Wow, what an amazing idea! I can’t wait to try this with my daughter!

  14. I have been getting a lot of questions as to whether or not this will wash out.

    I found the key was to use to correct amount of water to paint ratio – approx. 50% water, 50% paint.

    Also – to let it dry fully before washing it! The fabric paint recommends 72 hours.

    After doing these 2 things, my fabric kept its color.


  15. I love that you can make gifts from the painted fabric and it’s a wonderful way to involve even the youngest kids. I’ll be featuring this on The Crafty Crow!

  16. Hi, Thankyou for sharing this wonderful creation. My question is, will the watercolor be washed off or faded through washing clothes in a normal washer and dryer?

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