Okay, Okay, I know I’m nuts! And all I can say is thank you for bearing with me while my insanity gets the better of me and I make over this blog. Again. I know it’s very different than what I typically have as a design but I came across this layout and fell in love! All the content to this blog is the same, but the appearance is just a teeny, tiny bit different. I hope my constant need for change does not scare anyone away.

So…………when I began this blog back in October it really was just going to be a place where I could post my little projects. Never in a million years did I think it would grow so fast. We just went over 200,000 visitors this past weekend! Whoa! Since it’s beginning the direction of this blog kind of took a different turn and I could not be happier.

As most of you know we host parties every Monday and Friday and on Tuesdays we have guest bloggers come in and share some of their wonderful tutorials during our Teach Me Tuesday segment. What once was a blog about my own craft adventures has turned into a blog about YOUR craft adventures, and making friends and just plain having fun. I totally dig that! And it’s been a complete God-send especially since I have hardly had any time to craft now that I’m doing Blog Design.

So, let me just bring you through the new layout of the blog to help all you frequent flyers and newbies navigate around this place.

  • We no longer have a header. Well, we kind of do only it’s in the sidebar.
  • Under our Sponsors section we now have a section called TGC Events where you can find all of our Just Something I Whipped Up, Teach Me Tuesday and New Friend Friday posts.
  • Below that is where you can go if you’d like to follow TGC or Subscribe.
  • Next is all the ways you can search this site either through the search field, labels and the archives.
  • Right under there is our main “Grab Button” along with a link to get to the rest of TGC buttons.
  • Blog List – some of my favorite reads.
  • And lastly is our “Random” section for anything that does not fall neatly into one of the other categories.

I hope you enjoyed our little tour. And I hope you continue to come back and visit. 🙂

P.S. I’m soooooooooo excited about my new little project that I will be announcing soon. I know the suspense is killing some of you who responded to my Food Contributor call but I promise I won’t make you wait long. 🙂

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. I love your new look Diana! It’s so fresh! Love it! Great job! Change is good.

  2. Well I thought I liked it before but this is even better! Really pretty and clean and I love the colors! And it’s not scary that you changed it – shows you want it looking nice and current. I think that’s awesome. 🙂

  3. I like the old design but I like this one too! Lovely! And unusual to see no header

  4. I like it new look! It’s very simple and easy to follow

  5. It is soooo clean around here now! Love the new layout/look. Now will you do the same for my house?

  6. Wow I love it! And it’s so cool that there’s no header – different!

    I totally understand the “need for change” as I’m working on blog changes myself (officially re-introducing it on June 1st!).

    Great job 😀

  7. Your blog looks great! I change mine all the time.Lol. Following form new friend friday but didn’t want to post on the giveaway. 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  8. I love your new organized look! I also love seeing stuff change around here. There’s always something new to look at!

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