This winter has been so brutal on my skin. I normally have dry skin throughout the year but it gets really bad during the winter. One thing that really helps it is exfoliating. So, with that in mind I decided to make up some sugar scrubs and free labels to have on hand for myself as well as for a gift if needed. I just used some on my hands and they look and feel so much better. I found that I got the best results by following up the scrub with my favorite cleander (to get any external remaining oils off my skin) and then moisturizing. These make the perfect gifts. I got my jars at Hobby Lobby for $1.99 each and they were perfect.

1/2 C of Olive Oil
1 C of Sugar
Few drops of fragrance
Food coloring (optional)

In a bowl I mixed all the ingredients and then added 1 drop of food coloring. Next I put it in my jar and dressed it up with a little bit of raffia and a tag. The scent I used on this one is Green Apple so I used green food coloring.

Green Apple Sugar Scrub
My printer needs ink so I didn’t put labels on my jars yet but I wanted to share the labels with you anyhow. I made 6 different colors. Each label is approximately 3 inches. Enjoy!

Click HERE to Download

For more amazing sugar scrub recipes check out this round-up of

15 different sugar scrubs for you to try.

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  1. THANKS SO MUCH! I’ve been looking around for a recipe for this stuff and hope to try this out. I’m a big fan of Origins Incredible Spreadable Scrub in ginger. Like a spa in the shower. Did you use essential oils for fragrance?

  2. Sabrina, I didn’t use essential oils (i’m too cheap! lol). I just picked up some fragrance in Hobby Lobby in the soap-making area. The bottle said good for Sugar Scrub (among other things) so I bought it. Seems to have worked great. šŸ™‚

  3. Cute little jar! I do the same thing with sugar and olive oil šŸ™‚ My eczema LOVES it. The shower floor…not so much.

  4. This is such a great recipe! I wonder -could you use less EVOO and use essential oils instead? :o)

  5. I made some scrub this winter too. The candy cane sugar scrub recipe is on my blog if you’re interested. šŸ™‚

  6. I have super dry hands in the winter (two diaper wearing toddlers means washing hands every 10 minutes), so I can’t wait to try this! Thanks for such a great idea!

  7. Didn’t know I could make my own…

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thurs. at Life As Lori

    Please join me next week for another great party!

  8. Great idea and cute labels. I’m all about making things myself… for cheaper. I’ll have to try this!

  9. Little Foots says:

    I want to give this a try! Your little jar looks so cute! Thank you for the instructions!

  10. Thank you so much for sharing this! Always wondered how to make it! I am going to make a batch of this scrub right now! Love your blog! šŸ™‚

    Much blessings,
    Candace (candy and cake)

  11. My hands have been cracking! I am going to make this as soon as I get home. Thank you for posting you recipe!

    And thanks for linking up to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts.

  12. This is such a fabulous idea! I will be making these for this next year’s Christmas gifts! Can’t wait!

  13. Anonymous says:

    I tried to download the sugar scrub labels but no file to be found. Need help… Please email pdf if can to Thanks so much

  14. Sherry hurley says:

    This is my first time trying to make a scrub, for the fragrance, is this scented oil in the flavor I am trying to make? And where can I purchase the oils? Thanks so much for your help.

    p.s. I wish you all a Merry Christmas!!

    1. Hi Sherry! I just used regular olive oil from the supermarket. I bought my scents from Hobby Lobby. I found them in the aisles where they sell soap molds, etc. So, since the fragrance I used was green apple, I used green food coloring. Once you have the oil and sugar mixed up, you can add a few drops of whatever scent you want. Then from there you would add food coloring if you want it to be a certain color. Hope this helps. šŸ™‚

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