Hello, creative friends! I’m Michelle from Elegance & Enchantment, where I share lots of free printables, fonts, style, and creative tips. I’m so excited to be guest blogging and sharing these pretty party printables with you today. Thanks Diana!

Elegance and Enchantment Printable Coasters and Party Flags

One the best parts of summer is gathering with family and friends— especially when those gatherings take place outdoors. Today I am sharing some printable goodies to add a bit of pretty to your next party!

Elegance and Enchantment Printable Coasters and Party Flags

The printable coasters were designed with both style and function in mind. In my big family, people are always picking up one another’s drinks by mistake— I thought these could be a classier alternative to scribbling your name in Sharpie on the side of a solo cup.

Elegance and Enchantment Printable Coasters and Party Flags

Party flags were designed to match the coasters— in four different colors. I picked a color palette that was bright and summery, but that could also transition us into fall, which will be here before we know it!

Elegance and Enchantment Printable Coasters and Party Flags

I attached the flags to taller sticks to be used as stir sticks for this photo shoot, but they could also very easily be wrapped around toothpicks and stuck in appetizers or cupcakes (yes, please).

Elegance and Enchantment Printable Coasters and Party FlagsElegance and Enchantment Printable Coasters and Party Flags

I’m not the most savvy when it comes to DIY, so this project is an easy one. Simply download the party flag PDF file from my blog, print on regular old computer paper, trim, and fold them around a toothpick or skewer. I used my trusty tape gun to stick the two folded sides together, but you can use a glue stick, or double sided tape, if you don’t have one. Once you have the flag wrapped around the stick, use a scissor to cut a triangle shape, or leave it as a rectangle for an alternate look!

Elegance and Enchantment Printable Coasters and Party Flags

Once you have downloaded the coaster file (which can be found at the end of this post), print the page on heavier paper or card stock, and trim out. If you think that it’s too flimsy, you can stick the printed page to another piece of card stock or paper before trimming them out for a sturdier coaster.

Elegance and Enchantment Printable Coasters and Party Flags

The last step is to sit back and take in all the compliments from your family and friends as you enjoy your drinks together!

Elegance and Enchantment Printable Coasters and Party Flags

The font used in these designs is Trend.

Click here to download your coasters. Please visit Elegance and Enchantment to download the party flags.

This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase through these links, you’ll help support Elegance & Enchantment, and you’ll receive some amazing fonts, too. Whohoo!

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One Comment

  1. THANKS for the awesome coasters. What a great idea!!!

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