Please Read Before Linking Up
Thank you so much for coming today to link up to New Friend Friday. We’ve had such a GREAT response and we are truly blessed. However, there are a few reminders I want to put out there:

  • Family Friendly Sites only please. The past few weeks we’ve had to delete a site or 2 that was inappropriate. I hate to be the blog police but I really want to maintain the integrity of this blog and Tara and I are in agreement on this.
  • Please link to your home page (example: Last week we had over 88 entries that were for parties, crafts, etc. I know this is a common mistake so no worries. šŸ™‚
  • Remember to leave meaningful comments on the blog before and after you in the list. That’s what this party is about. šŸ™‚ It’s not about gaining the most followers or asking people to follow back. It’s about visiting at least the blog before and after you (and as many as you want after that) and leaving comments and making friends.

Okay, this is hopefully the last time I have to spend time on this. I’d rather just PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!! šŸ˜‰


The Girl Creative and The Trendy Treehouse have officially teamed up to co-host New Friend Fridays! Each week you will have the chance to add a link to your main blog to the ever growing list below. New Friend Fridays is a fun blog hop where it’s all about making new bloggy friends and offering meaningful comment support to other bloggers. Whether you add your link to the list at The Girl Creative or The Trendy Treehouse it’s all just one great big list.

The Rules are Simple:
  • Add a link to your main blog
  • Visit the blog of the person whose name is above and below your name in the list and leave a meaningful comment on their blog.
  • Visit as many blogs as you can and leave comments telling them you are visiting from New Friend Fridays at The Girl Creative or The Trendy Treehouse.
  • There is no obligation and no pressure to follow everyone who follows you. Please just follow the blogs that are of interest to you. šŸ™‚
  • Family Friendly Blogs ONLY please. Explicit sites will be removed.

If you have any questions or concerns about the rules, please click HERE to read a post that should clarify things a bit.

Grab a button, post it somewhere on your blog and get ready to make some new friends!

New Friend Fridays

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. Thanks for all the hosting you do. I’ve met a lot of new blogs that I love to visit!

  2. Found your blog through Meg’s site at A Little Knick Knack. Love looking through your site šŸ™‚ I’m linked up with the button in my post for tomorrow. Thanks for hosting this!! Have a great Friday!

  3. thanks for another new friend follow friday; I’m all linked up and have visited my two new friends before and after me! Follow you too! Roz @ La Bella Vita

  4. I’m a new follower and glad I found ya šŸ™‚

  5. hey girl! love the new banner… fresh + fun! thanks for the party.

  6. I don’t do all the blog hops but I really do enjoy your’s. You have done a great job getting all us bloggers networking together! Thank you!

  7. Thank you again for hosting this wonderful colorful “iconic” blog hop for us all. It looks so exciting for us all.

    Off to find some new friends. Smiles.


  8. Thanks so much for the opportunity to link up. It can be hard getting started and establishing a readership, so these link-ups mean a lot!

    I am overwhelmed by the standard and creativity of the blogs from here that I’ve visited so far…

    LM xx

  9. Thank you so much to do this! Such a great variety.

  10. Thank you for hosting!! I abided by the rules and I’m glad I did! I LOVE Apron Senoritas blog!!!! I usually just pick n choose thru the list but she was before my link! šŸ™‚

  11. Thank you for clarifying the rules, I love this blog hop party but am getting tired of comments that simply say “Follow me, I follow back!” That isnt what I got into blogging for! thank you for all your hard work and hosting

  12. I’m just coming by Friday Follow Me, A little late, but at least I made it! I’m following!!

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