Hello New Friends…..and old! Welcome to New Friend Friday! Last week we started a little “get to know you” session and I’d like it to continue. This week I’d love to know when everyone’s birthday is. You don’t have to give your birth year (if you don’t want to) so month and day will do just fine. 🙂 You all know when mine is, March 31. Now, it’s your turn. Leave it in the comments. 🙂

Now, let’s Party!!!

  • Add a link to your main blog
  • Visit the blog of the person whose name is above your name in the list and comment on their blog.
  • Visit as many blogs as you can and leave comments telling them you are visiting from New Friend Friday at The Girl Creative.
  • There is no obligation to follow everyone who follows you. Please just follow the blogs that are of interest to you. 🙂

So, grab a button, post it somewhere on your blog and get ready to make some new friends!

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. Hi there! This is my 3rd week of participating in New Friend Friday and I really enjoy it! It’s such a great idea!

    My birthday is April 25th.

    Have a great Friday!

  2. I LOVE New Friend Fridays! My birthday is September 25, although I celebrated my 29th and final birthday last year 😉

  3. Happy Friday. Thanks for hosting Diana!
    504 Main

  4. Happy b-day (a day late:)…hope it was a good one. I’ve decided (after a freezing cold b-day for my boy on Tuesday) that I am once again glad that I get to celebrate mine on July 25th…always warm and sunny:)

  5. May 7th here. And I accidentally posted mine today… which is still Thursday for me. Lol opps. I’ll remember the scheduler thing next week lol.

  6. I am loving new friend Friday! I have been participating for a few weeks now and have found some great blogs! My birthday is November 28th and that is how old I will be this year!

  7. Aww… Happy late birthday! I am a March birthday too! I celebrated my birthday this year in Vegas! March 15th.

  8. Hello Diana, thank you for hosting New Friend Friday, great idea! Have a blessed Easter!

    My birthday is 22nd September, I really like that date! xxx

  9. Thanks for hosting. I am a bit OCD (in case you haven’t read my blog), so I will totally be checking this for the next forever to find out if anyone shares my birthday: February 3rd. Happy Friday and Happy Easter to those who celebrate.

  10. This is fun….mine is February 15, day after Valentine’s! Have a great Good Friday!

  11. Kelli @ RTSM says:

    My birthday is June 21st, the first day of summer. My parents almost named me Summer too:)

  12. Good morning and thank you so much for hosting such a great thing.
    My birthday is April 23rd.
    Take care and have a very wonderful and blessed day.

  13. The No Money Mama says:

    Hello new friend! My birthday is November 17th.

  14. Thanks for hosting…I love new friends! My birthday is April, 17!! Woohoo!

  15. This is such a good idea. I’ve been participating for 3 weeks now and have found so many new and interesting blogs!

    My bday is Oct. 7

  16. LuckyStarErin says:

    Hello, April 24. Cool idea Diana!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. January 3!

    Love New Friend Friday! 🙂 Great Idea!

  19. Still On The Verge says:

    I am so glad I found you and joined in today! My birthday is July 25th. I am 36. Happy Friday!

  20. ♥ Calamity Anne ♥ says:

    My big day is June 7th!!! I also see that Mandy shares my day too!

  21. New Friend Friday is such a cool idea. My b-day is 17 October.

  22. Love this idea 🙂 I’ll have to start coming by every Friday! My birthday is February 19!

  23. Thanks for the fun party! It is always great to meet new bloggers. My bday is Aug 4th. This will be my last one in the 20’s this year. It is kind of daunting!! 😉

  24. Hi! Happy NFF! 😉 This is my 2nd week participating, and I LOVED last week! Thanks for the neat opportunity!

    My birthday is September 16th (the best month ever~).

    Have a great day!

  25. Happy Belated Birthday. Mines July 23rd. It never rains on my birthday (it’s come close,but it hasn’t).

  26. My birthday is January 24th. Hope you had a great one!

  27. My birthday is March 20th…first day of Spring.

    Happy Friday!

    Courtney@ frog2fab.blogspot.com

  28. agirlsmusthaves says:

    Best day ever March 4th!!!! Happy Birthday to you….March b-days are the best!

  29. Thanks for hosting – I’ve found some great new blogs!

    My birthday is July 9th!

  30. Ela Cacciola says:

    Thank you!! Always looking for new inspiration!

    My birthday is January 19

  31. Thanks for hosting Diana. OK, you’ve probably heard this before, but right now I have the song Dirty Diana stuck in my head, haha! Our small group was hanging out the other night and everyone kept breaking out into song and now that it was finally out of my head…its back again! Anyway, my bday is 11/11. Have a happy Easter!
    Heather @ http://www.savingmoneylivinglife.com

  32. Hi Diana: Hope you’re birthday was great! I was born on January 13th. My close relatives always remind me I made them miss the Super Bowl that year!

  33. Chantel and Michael Magistro says:

    Thanks for hosting the New Friend Fridays!

    my birthday is June 28 🙂 it’s a good day

  34. Queen of Dreamsz says:

    Hello Diana,

    July 2nd….was due on the 4th but arrived early. :0) I’ll be 52 years young this year. ♥

    Drop by for a visit when you have a moment. I have a vintage blue bird image for you if you like printing hang tags or like collage or scrap booking.

    Have a great day,
    Stephanie ♥

  35. I love this idea of ‘New Friend Friday’ – thanks!
    Happy belated birthday! Mine is July 24 – my 30th…ugh.

  36. HI there, my first time here.. Glad to be your new friend..

  37. March 9th. March is def. the best month for birthdays. This yr my hubby gave me tickets to fly to MN to see our daughter. I was also surprised b/c we went to see Mamma Mia. Of course I have a post all about it.

  38. My birthday is honestly and truly today! April 2nd! You posted this question at a perfect time! Look forward to checking out everyone’s links.

  39. whimsy*couture*sewing*tutorials says:

    My B-day is April 20!!!! Looking forward to my kids wishing me a happy birthday and asking how old mommy is now 🙂
    Happy birthday to everyone who’s birthday just was or is close!

  40. 佩璇佩璇 says:

    用心經營的blog~您的部落格文章真棒!! ……………….....…….……....

  41. Love NFF! My birthday is July 30th and I turn 30! My golden birthday! And you better believe I am celebrating every single day in July! My hubby’s not to thrilled…lol!

  42. This is my first time here..Im new to the blogging world and the idea of New Friend Friday is fantastic!! Happy late Birthday!!
    Mine is Aug 26

  43. Happy FF, new follower here! I love meeting new blogging friends, hope you can stop by soon.

  44. Hi There,,,,Hope you had a great birthday fellow Aries girl. My birthday is April 6th. Hope you have a fabulous year….Erin

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