I have a few little projects that I’m working on that I hope to post about this week sometime but while the paint dries, I got to work on my first Christmas project of this year. I’ve been seeing a lot of handmade holiday garland around and decided that I wanted to give it a whirl. I didn’t take any progress pictures (bad girl, I know!) but I will give you step by step instructions on how to make one. I didn’t use any fancy devices (like a Cricut or a Cuddle Bug). I just used a pair of scalloped scissors, some paper, sticky stuff and ribbon.

The first thing I did was to typed out the words Merry Christmas in the font Cafe Rojo (from kevinandamanda.com) in MS Word. I think I made them size 150.

After I printed them out, I took a glass and traced a circle around each letter so that I’d have a guide for cutting them out with my scalloped scissors.

Next I took 2 different kinds of scrapbook paper and used the top of a bread crumbs container to trace enough circles for my letters. I cut those out also with scalloped scissors.

After laying my letters and scrapbook paper out, I used this tacky sticky stuff to “glue” each letter to each scrapbook paper circle.

I punched holes in each letter and attached them to each other by using small pieces of ribbon.

I have not hung mine up yet because I’m no where near ready to decorate for Christmas so I just laid them on my poor, old, beat up (and hopefully soon to be remodeled) cofffee table for the sake of taking some pictures.

We are linking up with Blue Cricket Design’s Show & Tell and Somewhat Simple‘s Strut Your Stuff. Go there now and join in. šŸ™‚

**Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our Creating Christmas Blog Fest. Get the details HERE.

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  1. Great Idea! I have started making home made banners for Parties and Showers. I hadn’t thought about one for Christmas. I think I will make one, too.

  2. Cute garland…how I have to make one too!

  3. Steph @ somewhatsimple says:

    Way cute!!!

  4. Thanks so much for this tute! I’ll be making one of these for my daughter’s upcoming birthday party!

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