Quick little post to let you know that I’m alive!!! The Mr. is home today…..enough said! I am working on a project that I hope to post later on tonight.

I’m blog swapping with Lucky Star Lane tomorrow. It’s my first time. I’m so excited. 🙂 I’m sure you guys will make them feel welcome. Don’t forget to check me out over there too. I have a new tutorial that I made exclusively for them. 🙂

Oh, I forgot to mention I hit Hobby Lobby (finally!!!) and got some new supplies to the tune of burlap, jute, glue sticks and snaps. Don’t be alarmed, I’m not using them all in one place! Unless someone double dog dares me and then well, I’d have to do it! Please don’t DDD me. I’m not that creative!

So, let me run. Be back later…….

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  1. LuckyStarErin says:

    Your post is AWESOME!! I can’t wait! It’s set to go tomorrow after I get kids on the bus.

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