No baby yet….still hanging in there……….got a bit of a reprieve from the sciatica so I wanted to take the time to give a quick little blogging tip about using the HTML Gadget.

Did you know that you can put more than ONE HTML code in each gadget? For example, you have a bunch of buttons from other bloggers that you want to put in your sidebar, you can put them all in ONE HTML Gadget. This will eliminate the trouble of trying to figure out what is what in your sidebar when they are ALL labeled “HTML/Java Script”. I see some light bulbs going off!!!! šŸ™‚ This may seem basic to some but after spending as much time as I have doing blog design, this is something that quite a few people don’t know about. šŸ™‚

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!


Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. NOT basic at all … I had NO idea!! I’ve done a lot of blog revamping and messing around with html code and that one’s totally new to me. Thanks so much for sharing the tip!

  2. NO WAY!!! Thanks for the tip! I feel like an ant in a forest when it comes to this HTML stuff.

  3. Excellent tip! Thanks!

    Glad to hear that you’re experiencing some relief from your sciatica! Hope it continues….


  4. Yeah, this is a great tip to share! Crazy ol’me actually stumbled upon doing this accidentally one day lol. I use this tip to feature all buttons for blog hops I join and everything else.

  5. Oh my goodness, I did not know this. Right now I have link parties in my side bar and I try to have them by days of the week. You should see me trying to get it in the right place when I add a new one. This is going to make life so much easier!

  6. Digi Stitches says:

    Thanks for your “how to” posts. They are very helpful! The thing that drew me to your blog is the line of colorful tabs at the top with their links. I use blogger and can’t figure out how to do this. I want different colors per tab and when I add my email address in the current design template options, it automatically puts the http// in front of it and doesn’t function. I use a Mac. Which free download is the most user friendly and allows a large assortment of fonts, designs, etc.? After that, I’ll be taking any suggestions on how to add someone else’s button to my sidebar. Only have a handful of friends at this point. I promise to follow you back if anyone follows me.

  7. Annemarie says:

    Hi Girl Creative!
    I did not know where to put my post. But it seemed the best place to leave it here, at your last blogdesign tip. I just wanted to thank you for all your tutorials and tips on website design in Blogger. Your website really gave me a lot of inspiration! Today, I also wrote a short blog (in Dutch) on webdesign and as I wanted your to give your website (and also that of Sneaky Momma Blogdesign and Clover Lane) the credits you deserve for helping me out, I mentioned you and placed also your button in the blogpost. Just wanted to thank you in this way!
    Take care and congratulations with the birth of you baby boy!

  8. Hi!! I love your blog! I’m still trying to figure out everything in the “blog world” I just started one. You’re tutorials are amazing! They have been soooo helpful to me šŸ™‚ I just had a question…how do you make the followers gadget visible? My friend wanted to follow my blog and it just says followers and there is no link under it to join. Thanks so much!!! Keep up the amaizing work!

  9. Thanks for the suggestions!!! Your blog is the perfect combination of educational and creative!!! I’m your newest follower and would LOVE to have you visit and follow me, too!!!

    Aimee @

  10. OMG! I had no idea that you could do that!! I am just starting out so that was a very helpful tip! Thanks so much:)

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