Awhile back I bought a box of 12 mason jars at Walmart for around 6 or 7 bucks and knew exactly what I wanted to do with them. I wanted to make those cookie jar mixes. I had tried before and they did not come out so good. Not enough color. Too much white. You know the deal. So after researching them a bit, I found the perfect recipe over at Bakerella. Excited to give it a try, I went to work last night making 2 of them for Gracie’s preschool teachers. They came out great I thought. Being tired of spending every spare moment either baking or at the store shopping, I decided that they looked nice enough just as they are and that they didn’t need a gift bag I was too tired and lazy to go out AGAIN and buy them. Boy was I wrong. And I have this photo below to prove it.

Yup! There is my cookie jar gift all broken on my walkway. Trying to lock the front door, balance the gift for the mailman in my hands and tucking 2 cookie jars under my arms, disaster was imminent. Today was Gracie’s last day of school before Christmas too. I just couldn’t believe it. I just smiled and grumbled while I picked up the glass and swept the goods to the side in the freezing cold so that I wouldn’t be late taking both girls to school. Notice amidst the chaos, I stopped to take a picture? lol

If you’ve been following my recent blog posts you know I’ve been up to my eyeballs in “stuff” to do before Christmas. I so did not need this today! But, thankfully I had extra goodies on hand and managed to bang out 2 more in just enough time to pick Grace up from school. This is what they looked like before the crash!

This time I popped these bad boys into a gift bag for safe transporting! For detailed instructions check out Bakerella. šŸ™‚

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  1. poor diana!!! did you swear while you smiled and grumbled while you cleaned up the glass??? šŸ˜‰

  2. How unfortunate – especially on such a cute gift. Glad everything worked out ok.

  3. These turned out great..and even the one on the sidewalk looks pretty! Happy Holidays! ~ Stephanie {Under the Table and Dreaming}

  4. Well, I think you’re a special person to go ahead and make them all over again.

  5. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog, I had to come see yours too and LOVE it! We should do a blog swap sometime!!

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