Washi tape is one of the best crafting mediums to hit the scrapbooking and crafting niche. Wouldn’t you agree?  It can be used in so many ways and not just for paper crafting but in DIY projects, home decor, party decorations and many other ways. Typically on Fridays I share with you some sort of subway art or free printable but this week I wanted to share with all of the digital scrapbookers out there some free digital scrapbooking embellishments. Enter washi tape! As a designer this has got to be one of the simplest scrapbooking embellishments to make. You are basically creating a rectangle and then making a jagged edge on the ends.  Piece of cake.

Washi Tape Download

Included in this free download is 6 strips of digital washi tape. The colors are perfect for your Easter and Spring layouts. Each strips was designed in .png format and also has a transparent background. You can also print these out and use them in your hybrid scrapbook designs.

If you aren’t a fan of scrapbooking you can definitely use these in any graphic designs you might use on the web. Feel free to use them in your blog designs (personal use only please) or as fun little elements when you are dressing up your blog photos for those beauty shots.

If you are in need of some cute chevron papers to download, you can go here.

Personal Use Only

Please do not share or redistribute this download. Direct people to this site to download.

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  1. I’ll have to look for this at AC Moore. I’m making bunny carriages with wheels and this would come in handy! 🙂

  2. Thanks for sharing these with us! You are so crafty!

    xo -Emily of emilyhone.com

  3. Stopping by from TT&J. Thank you so much for sharing. I’m looking forward to trying this out 🙂

  4. So cute!! As much as I love washi tape I STILL have yet to do a project with it! I’ll have to give these a go. Have a great week!
    Jenn xo

  5. So adorable! I love washi tape! Glad to see some gorgeous digital versions now too! Thanks for sharing!

  6. lemondedis says:

    ils sont si jolis !… merci pour le partage !… je poste un lien tout de suite !… http://pinterest.com/lemondedis/ (j’ai déjà plus de 13000 liens vers des téléchargements gratuits !)

  7. The link has a 404 error.

    1. Thanks so much for letting me know the link was broken. It’s now updated.:)

      1. Thank you so much for fixing it…and taking the time to respond. ☺️

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