Last week for my daughter’s Valentine’s party I was asked to bring in a treat for the kids to share. When asked for suggestions I was told anything really as long as they were in individual bags. As I went along I came up with this really cheap and easy way to create treat bags and I realized that I could do this for any occasion. All you need is snack size zip lock bags, napkins with the print of your choice, a stapler and funky edge scissors.

First I took my napkins and cut them in half.

Then I took one of my funky edge scissors and cut each half down a bit. I think I cut maybe an inch or 2 off.
I folded the straight edge down for some added support and placed my snack bag on top of it. I folded the funky edge over and stapled down.

It was that simple. You can make these for any occasion and it was really cheap. I picked up the napkins for $1 at the supermarket.

**For the cookies all I did was take small cookies (Oreo’s work great), dipped half the cookie in melted white chocolate chips, sprinkled them with sprinkles and set aside to “set”. 3 cookies per bag was perfect.

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  1. Making Mi Casa Lovely says:

    This is just too cute. I have a couple birthday parties coming up and will try these out. The kids will love them. Thanks for the idea!

  2. These are so adorable!! You’re very creative!!! Makes me think…”Yes, even YOU can make a simple ziploc bag look fabulously adorable and crafty!!” haha Good job!

  3. This is a great school idea for the kids! I will be trying this idea out for my daughters class parties. Thanks so much!

  4. This is a great idea! Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best!

  5. Good thinkin to use napkins! TFS šŸ™‚

  6. I love this idea! So simple, but I never would have thought of it. Filing this one away for future use…

    Thank you for linking up to A Little Creative Therapy at Life in the Pitts.

  7. I love how simple this project is… yet it adds such a nice touch! I’m definitely going to try this out. Thanks for sharing šŸ™‚


  8. Hey, I gave you an award on my blog! Come check it out when you get a chance!!!

  9. LOVE it!! I am def stealing this one!

  10. Chantel and Michael Magistro says:

    That is such a cute idea! I will definitely be using it šŸ™‚

    I saw your blog on Life in the Pitts, and started following. Thanks for following me back!

  11. Great packaging!

    Thank you so much for linking up with the Talented Tuesday link party at My Frugal Family, which is hosted every Tuesday. Please feel free to stop back in every week and post your newest projects!

  12. Those are too cute! Such a great idea. You could change out the napkin depending on the holiday!

    Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours day!

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