Grab this free “Don’t Let Comparison Steal Your Joy” printable and find out why you can expect to see more prints like this every Monday!

Don't let comparison steal your joy printable. Motivation Monday - Comparison is the thief of joy

I came across this saying a few years ago and goodness, did it ever speak multitudes to me! I’ve had to remind myself of this so.many.times. It is sooooo easy to compare ourselves to others and to feel jealous of what other people in our circle have that it can take the wind right out of our sails and the joy right out of our hearts.

Uh oh……she’s about to get personal again……….well, yes. Yes, I am. And I hope you stick around to read it.

A few weeks ago I wrote about the new direction this blog would be taking;  that I wanted to focus more on printables which I really looovvvveeeee doing. That is still my plan. But I’ve also wanted this blog to be a place where I could encourage people. Often times I’ve wondered what my gifts were. I grew up thinking certain things were my gifting but in my heart they just didn’t feel right. Then one day I realized that I had the gift of encouragement.  I like to build people up and make them feel good about themselves. If it looks like you dropped a few pounds, I’m gonna tell ya!  If you got a new do, I’m going to fuss over you. That’s just me. I like to make people feel special whenever I’m able to do that; that they are not alone in their struggles of motherhood, weight loss, whatever!

So, I asked myself how can I stick with my new direction of focusing on printables AND use my gift of encouragement at the same time? Well, I believe my answer is in these free motivational prints I’ve been sharing on Mondays. I know, I know, I totally forgot last week with Memorial Day and all. But I will do my best to bring you something encouraging and inspiring every Monday. These prints give me the chance to combine my love for design with my gift of encouragement. Plus it will hopefully give you a glimpse inside of me as a person and not just the chick who designs printables for free.

All of that brings me to this week’s inspiring printable:

Don’t Let Comparison Steal Your Joy

Don't let comparison steal your joy free printable from The Girl Creative #motivationmonday

As I mentioned a few paragraphs ago I first came across this saying a few years ago. And I felt like it was meant for me. I have this nasty habit of comparing myself to pretty much everyone I know. It started back in high school. I was always one of the bigger girls and any time I’d go somewhere I’d look around to make sure I wasn’t the biggest girl in the room. A lot of times I was but I know that I always felt better when I had another bigger girl to compare myself to. Sadly I still do that today. And all of the weight talk we will save for another day but this pattern has spilled over into other areas of my life. I have noticed it a lot with blogging. Having been at this for over 5 years I’ll admit that I’ve allowed comparison steal my joy plenty of times – especially when it seems like some bloggers have overnight success and I’m still plugging along trying to get noticed. The struggle is real, people! I have to constantly remind myself that I just can’t go there. I can’t compare myself to anyone else. That way of thinking is not going to make me work harder or more productive. It’s going to keep me stuck right where I’m at. And girlfriend, I do NOT want to be stuck where I’m at! I want to grow and get better in every area of my life. I bet you do too!

Don't let comparison steal your joy free printable

So let’s print this bad boy out. Hang it somewhere that you can see it every single day. Don’t compare yourself to anybody. Don’t let what others have steal your joy. Woman, you are blessed. Need some more reminders? Create a thankful list and hang it up right next to this print.



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  1. Since I’m not personally around you, I don’t know about your gift of encouragement. But I do know that you have a wonderful gift for being creative! I LOVE this saying and I’m printing it up RIGHT NOW and I’m going to hang it by my computer! Thanks for creating and sharing this printable.

    1. Aww thank you so much!!! You are so sweet! ๐Ÿ™‚ XOXO

  2. Hi! Just wanted to say that I love this. I have always had a problem comparing myself to others too and this saying really speaks to me. And you’ve made it such an adorable printable too! I am totally going to hang it up in my office but I think it needs to be framed first ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Oh me too, girl! So glad you like it and thank you SO much for your kind words. ๐Ÿ™‚ XO

  3. Dear Diana, thank you so much for this perfectly uplifting & precious print! I love it & can’t wait to print, frame & hang in a spot that I’ll see often thru out each day. How I wish I realized this quote when I was younger because at 62 I do know for sure this quote is truer than true. Again, many thanks.

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