Father’s Day is 2 days away…………Have you picked up the perfect Father’s Day gift yet for your baby daddy? I don’t know why I just said that. lol It’s all these late nights I’m pulling lately…..my brain is fried! Anyway…..my husband works hard for our family as I’m sure many of your husbands do. Not only does he see the worst in people on a daily basis (he’s a police officer) but he also commutes an hour each way. When he gets home he’s tired. Physically and emotionally. I try not to ask much of him although on his days off I sometimes a lot saddle him with our busy little boy and run for the hills just for some alone time.  We also have 2 girls ages 6 and 9 and when he comes home it’s “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy”. And you know girls…….drama surrounds them. If it’s not drama between the 2 of them, it’s drama between the neighborhood girls. And it’s at times like those I imagine my husband wished he had some of those “Get out of Jail Free” cards like they have in the game of monopoly. Well, poof! Wish granted! May I introduce you to this Funny Father’s Day Gift Idea.

Father's Day Coupons

Anytime daddy needs a break, just let him produce one of these bad boys and it’s “Keep Calm and Go Ask Mom”!

Father's Day Coupon Printable

I mean seriously, what father would not want a stack of these? I mean heck, I should make a set for moms!  Now I should just say………we love our kids. My husband is a great father. He pushes past himself when he’s wiped out to go hang out with my girls and help them with soccer. When little man repeats the word “basketball” a hundred times at the front door, he takes him outside to play. But everyone needs a break at times.

Did I mention he has to use them all on Father’s Day? None of this roll over business. Just Kidding!

This would also make a fun birthday gift.

Click HERE to download the PDF.

Download includes one full sheet of cards (10/sheet)


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  1. Cute idea! Thanks for sharing on the Creative Exchange link party on Thursdays

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