I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been trying to lose weight for the last 9 months and have been limiting the amount of treats I eat but I have been pinning a TON of dessert recipes on Pinterest. Maybe just looking at them helps me feel like I’m eating them? I don’t know. I’m reaching. Ha! One of my favorite things to bake from scratch is homemade chocolate chip cookies. I think I’d be okay with any variation homemade cookies to be honest. So when I came across  this recipe for S’mores Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies and knew I had to try it.
I weigh in on Mondays and typically after I weigh in I treat myself to whatever I want I totally pig out and eat a ton of crap. And now that school is back in session I decided to use Monday as my day to try new recipes so that my girls have a fun afternoon stack to come home to.
Last week I made the S’mores Stuffed Chocolate Chip cookies and they were delicious. I had some cookie dough left over so I made s’more today.

S'mores Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

So, so delicious! What I did that differs from the original recipe is I put a spoonful of cookie dough down on the cookie sheet and flattened it a bit. Then I took cut up mini marshmallows and piled them on top. I added a little graham cracker square on top of the marshmallows and them topped with some more cookie dough. I skipped the chocolate bar because there were already chocolate chips in the cookie dough but they still came out good. Next time I think I will follow the assembly instructions exactly for a more marshmallowy, graham crackery, chocolatey experience.

I’m linking up to the party at Thirty Handmade Days

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