Okay, this is going to be a quick little post before I get to my favorite linkees of this week because I am going out of town tomorrow for my sister’s bridal shower and I’m kind of tired from all the working out I’ve done this week. Go me! Before I get to my faves I wanted to give a little plug to a fun event that Lori from Life as Lori is hosting. It’s called Spring Fling and it’s a cool gift exchange/swap. Please click HERE to visit Lori and find out all the details.

Spring Fling Gift Swap
Alrighty, let’s get to it. As always, I’d love to feature everyone because there’s so much talent out there but that would take forever and I’m pretty sure my husband would take issue with that b/c as it is, the laundry never gets done! lol
In random order:
Bleach Stenciled Shirts at Homemaker. Totally cool idea. I think I need to try it! Her kids are pretty darn cute too!
I almost have no words for this next one. I’m truly amazed at the creativity. Check out this Birthday Chandelier over at 504 Main.

This next one has been on my mental “to do” list for the longest time: a picture puzzle cube over at Jewels Craft Time.

I sew need one of these but my amateur sewing skills haunt me. lol This is such a pretty sewing machine cover at Keepin The Castle. Love the fabric.

Polly, (one of my sponsors) from Make Mine Beautiful made these stamped paisley curtains for her husband’s office. So creative. I’m sure he’s loving it.

Well, that wraps it up. If you found your project featured in this post, please feel free to grab the button “TGC Found Me” from my sidebar. Have a great weekend!!
Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. Thanks for the shout out about my spring fling gift swap!!! You’re the best!!!


  2. PeaceLoveApplesauce says:

    I adore the sewing machine cover!!

  3. Midday Escapades says:

    Great shout outs. I love Holly at 504 Main.

    Thanks for linking up with Friday Follow! I am now your blog follower. Have a wonderful weekend and pleasure to meet ya.

    ~ Lynn

  4. Happy Saturday!! I am a Friday Follow running late!!!!



  5. There are so many creative women out there, they continue to amaze me. I am so thankful for a computer and a chance to see all of these wonderful blogs. I shall go see what these gals are up to. Thanks for the shout out.
    Cindy S

  6. Stopping by from Follow Me Friday! Great blog! Hope you can visit and follow mine, too!

  7. Stopping over from Follow Me Friday!! Enjoy your weekend!!

  8. Thanks for showing my chandelier. I have enjoyed seeing everyone’s FAB ideas!

  9. I love your photography!

    Here through FF (2 days late, welcome to life with 3 kids šŸ˜‰ I’ll be back for sure.

  10. thanks for the highlight i always enjoy looking at your blog and it is a special treat to be included in it! thanks

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