I have an office…well, I should say I have a desk in a room, but that room is not really MY office. It’s actual main use is as a school room and art space and storage facility. So sometimes when those uses are in full force I have the urge to run away. But then, I would have to hire a nanny to teach my kids and I’d have to get a full time job. Not.
So instead, when the girls are busy flinging paint about and chattering to each other about Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie having a slumber party and the room is a real mess…I tell them I’ll be right around the corner if they need me and I sneak out.
I throw the kettle on to make a lovely cup of tea and Hey, Presto! I turn the unused corner of my living room into my “office”! (Honestly, sometimes I just perch on the couch and hope I don’t knock my laptop onto the floor when I jump up to control the madness). This is only just recently possible…after a 24 hour trip to Ikea (yes, I do not live by an Ikea so I drove to Texas!), we purchased several of the white cube shelving units, not knowing what we’d use them for, but we had to buy them because there might never be another chance type moment and matching packs of caster wheels (just in case)…and we moved a huge vintage armoire to another location…so we had a big gap in the corner and I hate that corner beyond words, and we don’t have a few hundred extra bucks for the built in book shelves that would look fantastic there.
But I digress! We hung those puppies in the corner with wheels on one and there was instant storage! Then I realized that the barstools were more comfortable at a lower height (sitting at the bar hurt my back) so I tried it in the corner…and it worked. I hid some desk necessities in a box and any other bits could be tucked into a basket. On top I have a little inspirational photo there and a small lamp…what else does one need?
Now the kids can run all over the place and I have somewhere to put the laptop without fear. Just try finding that one little spot in your home that can do double duty or that is out of the way enough to give you your own place.

 Plus, yesterday I painted some quick pieces of artwork…I had a few leftover canvases and slathered on some paint…the trick is to take a spray bottle of water and spritz the canvas until it all starts running down. No major artistic skills required!

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