I had a lot of fun this Christmas making handmade gifts for my my family. We decided this year not to exchange gifts among the adults because it can get a bit pricey but I wanted to do a little something anyway for my sisters.
Lucky for me I had all of the supplies on hand….which were not many: rice, fabric and my trusty sewing machine that I secretly hate because it’s always giving me trouble!!! and I refuse to admit it’s operator error.

I made these adorable heating pads that double as bed warmers.

There was no rhyme or reason to the size, I just took some fat quarters or scrap fabric, cut it down to a decent size, folded it in half with RIGHT sides together and sewed along the long side and on one short side.Iturned it right side out, filled with rice and sewed the open end shut. I sewed it with 2 lines of straight stiches about a 1/4″ apart. Then I took the end that was already sewed shut and sewed 2 lines also to make it all look the same on both ends.

Here is another one that I did and I added a frayed edge ruffle to the center just to change it up.
These made some really great gifts. Here is a label that I made. Feel free to use it. Just right click and save as. 🙂

Sweet JeanettePhotobucket

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  1. hi! i got a sewing machine from christmas and am SO excited to learn. this looks like a very manageable first project for me. thank you for sharing!

  2. Great idea & so creative in the making! Love them 🙂

  3. Green Gracie Home says:

    great project! all the ones that they sell are not pretty at all or a funky shape…I think I will me making some for my boys (they beg me to toss their blankies in the dryer every night).

  4. FancieStrands says:

    I love these. They are so good looking and functional. I think these would be great gifts to.

  5. Kelli @ RTSM says:

    What a fun project! I love the fabric. I have the same kind of love/hate relationship with my sewing machine too:)

  6. Thanks for the tutorial! I’m ready to stock up on rice!

  7. Bookmarked these awhile back and realized I really do need to make them since I think it is a sewing project I can manage! What type of fabric did you use? Will any type work? What kind of rice?


  8. lemondedis says:

    quelle bonne idĂ©e !!! merci pour le partage !… je cherche des freebies sur le web, mais je recherche aussi des crĂ©ations “faciles” : mon but est de permettre aux gens qui n’ont pas beaucoup d’argent, ou qui dĂ©butent le bricolage, de crĂ©er des choses simples, ne demandant pas d’outils particuliers, ni trop de matĂ©riel… lorsque je trouve des choses qui me plaisent, je partage mes liens : je viens de crĂ©er celui-ci !… http://pinterest.com/lemondedis/ (j’ai dĂ©jĂ  plus de 13000 liens vers des tĂ©lĂ©chargements gratuits et quelques autres milliers vers des projets de crĂ©ation !)

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