This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Sharpie, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #EverydaySharpie

I am the happiest girl on earth because the weather has started cooling off and that means that I can start using my oven again. And what with all of the fabulous pumpkin recipes out there, along with amazing falls soups and casseroles, this girl is ready to get started! I’m ready to step away from the BBQ and give my family a little something more than hamburgers and hotdogs for din din. My kids who love hotdogs were even starting to complain that that’s all we eat. Whoops!!!

Fall Recipe Book

I tend to be a creature of habit so I make a lot of the same things. Wanting to turn over a new leaf, I decided to create a Favorite Fall Recipe Book. I have a few of my favorite recipes that I know for sure I want to include but there is also plenty of room to add more. And while I know that we are living in a digital, technical age and everything is online, I wanted to create a hand-written book that can grow as the years go by and that my kids can have long after I’m gone.

Fall Recipe Book

I love simple projects and you can’t get any more simple than a paper and pens. I grabbed a spiral book of index cards from my local supermarket and some Sharpie pens from Walgreens. I grabbed Sharpie’s Stainless Steel pen (I love this thing!!!) and a package of 4 Sharpie Fine Point Pens that came in 4 colors.

Wanting to keep some sort of order to my book, I grabbed my Sharpies and color coded my index card book. I had 4 colors to work with so I created 4 categories for my recipe book: One Dish Meals (red), Soups and Salads (black), Crock Pot (green) and Desserts (blue). All I did was divide my book into four equal parts and then I colored the corners of those pages.

Fall Recipe Book - colored corners3

Fall Recipe Book - colored corners2

So now when I’m looking for a specific recipe (or want to add a new one) I just flip to that color section of my book.

Fall Recipe Book

I also created a new cover for my recipe book which has the color code I used right on the front so that I know exactly where to look for specific recipes. I printed my cover out on adhesive craft paper and stuck it right to the front of the book. So easy!

Fall Recipe Book

This was such a simple project. Sharpies were the perfect choice for color coding it. I only created a book for fall but why not create one for each season? Sharpies come in tons of different colors so you can easily create a book with even more sections! I love the Stainless Steel Sharpie pen because it writes so smooth AND it doesn’t bleed through to the back of the paper. I’ve always been a big fan of the Fine Point Sharpies (that I used in this project). They are definitely my pen of choice if my kids don’t steal them from my stash! lol

Fall Recipe Book - sharpies5.

Okay, so now that I have the book all set, I need to fill it up! What are some of your go-to recipes for fall? Leave links in the comments!

Do you love Sharpies as much as I do? I’d love to hear how you use them to help stay organized. I can use some organization tips too!!!

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  1. I’m with ya … LOVE Sharpies and I still like my recipes written out the good old fashioned way! This is such a great idea!

  2. Minda Jones says:

    I love the sharpie too and this project is just one I can’t wait to do. I have tons of recipes that are loose and I really don’t want them to disappear. Thanks for reminding me of this, I use to do this years ago.

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