I’m Posting a Project – Are You Surprised? I sure am!!!! My girls go through lamps in their room like they go through underwear! They are 6 and almost 4 and the almost 4 year old is a like a tornado (hurricane does not do this kid justice lately!). No sooner do I get their room cleaned up, does she trash it. Ugh! And, along with the trashing comes the broken lamps. Don’t get me wrong, she does not get violent. She just can’t seem to keep her hands off of things and she plays rough (what will I ever do with boys? My girls would put them to shame!) and the lamp seems to be the regular casualty in their room.

This morning Emilee (6) asked me if I could get her a Princess lamp for her room. So, being the cheap-o thrifty and frugal that I am, I decided to see how I could make her a Princess Lamp. And by Princess, she meant Disney Princesses. She really loves Sleeping Beauty for some reason. Must be the pink dress she wears.

Anyhow, I went to The Christmas Tree Shops and picked up a plain white lamp and shade for $10. Total BARGAIN! Then I went to Hobby Lobby and found some Disney Princess ribbon and a few “other” little accessories.

Here is a picture of the lamp before I “princessized” it along with the supplies: Lamp, Disney princess ribbon, plastic children’s clip on earrings, glue gun (in the background -notice the glue gun resting on the coffee filter ? I do that to preserve my already mod podged, painted on kitchen table. ;).

What is hard to see in this picture is the pink ribbon with white pearls wrapped around it. Found that for 50% off at Hobby Lobby (score!) and it was just the right amount for this project. (double score!).

First I took my Disney Princess ribbon and hot glued it around the top of the lamp shade.

Then I took the pink/pearl ribbon and hot glued it on the top and bottom of the princess ribbon. After that I glued the same pink/pearl ribbon on the bottom of the lamp shade. Ready to hear what I did next? I took some kid’s costume bling earrings and glued that on the bottom of the shade to give it that extra sparkley princess look. You know little girls love sparkles and bling. Here’s a close up of the finished lamp shade.

Totally cute, right? The last thing I did was take my pink/pearl ribbon and wrap it around the base of the lamp. I hot glue the piece at the bottom to secure it and then a drop in the middle and some up top to secure the ribbon.

And here’s the lamp in all it’s glory in my girls’ room.

I really love how it came out. And I love it even more because when I went into Hobby Lobby to pick up supplies I really did not have anything like this in mind. I found the ribbons first and then found the costume earrings and a little light bulb went on. Yay for me!

So glad to finally be able to post a project of my own on here. I’m soooooo grateful for all of the beautiful girls who have been submitting tutorials for Teach Me Tuesday and for guest posting and swapping blogs with me. šŸ™‚

I’ll be linking up to the wonderful parties listed to the right!

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. That came out so cute

  2. This is a perfect use for those earrings! We seem to have tons of them laying around here. I mostly find them by stepping on them – ouch! I’m going to show this to my Princess and see if she’d like to try a project like it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Thanks so much for stopping by! It means a lot, especially coming from someone who has a bazillion followers šŸ™‚

    I love love love the lamp idea! Cute ribbon and hearts. And I love anything that is a bargain!

  4. Kim @ seven thirty three says:

    WOW! That is gorgeous and way cheaper than an “official” Disney lamp! šŸ˜‰

    Thanks for linking up with Sugar & Spice.

  5. What a fantastic idea! I think I’m going to try to make that for my daughter’s 4th birthday coming up!

  6. Oh Diana! This is adorable! My girls would LOVE this! Thanks so much for linking up and for the sweet comments about my blog!

  7. So adorable. *sigh* I have 4 sons and would love to just have one little girl to make that for…but I’m guessing something for boys could be created too…you’ve given me something to think about. I love your blog, it’s beautiful. šŸ™‚

  8. Already a follower here!!
    Swing by my blog…I have something there waiting for you…

  9. Ooh, this is a great idea! I have a few friends with little girls who are gonna love this!

    Thanks for linking this up to A Little Creative Therapy with Life in the Pitts.

  10. This is absolutely too cute and the clip on earrings are perfect! Just the most adorable Princess lamp that I have seen, in well, ever!

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